

  进口品牌德国科贝隆Coperio**,zeppeli**泽普琳、荷兰DMN、格律克Gericke、威埃姆WAMGROUP、芬兰BMH旋转阀 。常州同得利专注研发生产高端旋转阀,拥有多年的研发生产/定制非标旋转阀卸料阀的经验,口碑好,旋转阀性能优越,让物料更流畅,使用更精久。  国产选大品牌-国盛商标常州同得利,专 利技术,匠心质造。工匠精神是中国的瑰宝,它是我们民族文化的结晶,更是中华民族的灵魂所在。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】  滑杆式旋转阀/星型卸料阀/关风机卸料器/旋转供料器主要结构:外壳金属;物料接触部分:内衬陶瓷、陶瓷氧化铝、尼龙、四氟、特氟龙、钛合金、铝合金、不锈钢。  尺寸:DN50~~非标定制。  清洗型滑杆式旋转阀制作精致、成功使用德、日技术制造之精华。产品拆装灵活、易于清洗。主要用于锂电、化工、制药、食品等行业高卫生标准的物料卸料及经常更换物料的场所工作。本产品对标全球一线品牌的旋转阀,性能更优,价格&交期更好!  清洗型旋转阀特点:物料粘接设备,可以快速清理,快速复位。稳定性优于其他开拆式阀门,可原地抽出转子。清洗前的拆卸:松开活动端盖上的螺旋手柄,沿柱将端盖和转子一起拉出,松开轴端的螺旋手柄,取出转子。清洗后,装入叶轮(转动叶轮使花键齿合),推入端盖(转动活动轴柄使花键齿合),拧紧螺栓手柄。【电话/微信咨询代替方案:陈经理18068546632】  滑杆式旋转阀主要用于输送锂电池正极材料、磷酸铁锂、三元材料、化工粉料/颗粒、食品、塑料等。  同得利秉承以下服务承诺:  服务目标:服务质量赢得用户满意。  严格控制对产品性能的检测,待产品被确认合格后再出厂发货。  提供的产品符合报价文件承诺和所签合同规定的技术要求。  物美价廉,具有输送系统完全密闭,可以避免输送物料的受潮、污损或混入异物等优势,常用于锂电/化工/药材/食品/塑料/钢厂/电厂/矿山/水泥/环保等行业。  全新的铸造方法用于改善外表面光洁度和铸造完整性,阀体外壳强度更高。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】  我公司是集科研、开发、设计、制造、售后服务于一体的环保型机械重 点企业。公司地处经济发达的长江金三角,坐落在全国闻名的科技示范城-龙城常州,地理位置优越,千年古运河入境而过,沿江高速、京沪高速、沪宁高速纵横交错,交通十分便利。  公司在强化企业管理的基础上,依靠科技进步提高技术含量,先进的生产加工设备,领 先的管理理念,高素质的员工团队,有效的质量保障体系和完善的售后服务,为制造高品质的产品提供可靠的保证,极大的满足了各行业的需求,深受广大客户的信赖。  我公司始终坚持“质量第 一、用户至 上”的宗旨,服务于社会,诚信于业界,竭诚欢迎世界各地的业界好友光临指导,洽谈合作。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】       Domestic selection of major brands - Guosheng trademark Changzhou Tongdeli, patented technology, craftsmanship and quality. The spirit of craftsmanship is a treasure of China, a crystallization of our national culture, and the soul of the Chinese nation.  Sliding rod rotary valve/star shaped discharge valve/shut-off fan unloader/rotary feeder Main structure: metal shell; Material contact parts: lined with ceramic, ceramic alumina, nylon, PTFE, PTFE, titanium alloy, aluminum alloy, stainless steel.  Size: DN50~~Non standard customization.  The cleaning sliding rod rotary valve is exquisitely made, and successfully uses the essence of German and Japanese technology. The product is flexible in disassembly and easy to clean. Mainly used for unloading materials with high hygiene standards in industries such as lithium batteries, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food, as well as working in places where materials are frequently replaced. This product is benchmarked against top global brands of rotary valves, with better performance, price, and delivery time!  Characteristics of cleaning type rotary valve: Material bonding equipment, can be quickly cleaned and reset. Stability is superior to other detachable valves, and the rotor can be pulled out in place. Disassembly before cleaning: Release the screw handle on the movable end cover, pull out the end cover and rotor together along the column, release the screw handle on the shaft end, and remove the rotor. After cleaning, install the impeller (rotate the impeller to engage the spline teeth), push in the end cover (rotate the movable shaft handle to engage the spline teeth), and tighten the bolt handle.  Sliding rod rotary valves are mainly used for transporting lithium battery cathode materials, lithium iron phosphate, ternary materials, chemical powders/particles, food, plastics, etc.
  • 【高密封】滑杆式旋转阀-锂电/化工/食品

  • 【清洗型】滑杆式旋转阀-对标全球一线品牌

  • 【清洗型】侧快拆旋转阀-食品级

参数名称 参数值
品名 滑杆式旋转阀,滑杆式卸料阀,清洗型旋转阀,清洗型卸料器,风送滑杆旋转阀,锂电旋转阀,锂电旋转给料阀,锂电星型卸料阀,化工旋转阀,化工卸料器,食品级旋转阀,食品级卸料阀,高端品牌旋转阀,自清洁旋转阀
输送物料 粘性粉末,粉尘,超微粉体,小颗粒物料,高卫生标准
应用行业 锂电,化工,食品,制药,塑胶等行业
滑杆式旋转阀特点 物料粘接设备,可以快速清理,快速复位,高精度密封锁气
常规型号/定做 DN50,DN100,DN150,DN200,DN250,DN300,DN350,DN400,DN450,DN500~~非标定制
材质 外壳金属;物料接触部分:内衬陶瓷、陶瓷氧化铝、尼龙、四氟、特氟龙、钛合金、铝合金、不锈钢等
替代进口 对标全球一线品牌泽普琳zeppel**、荷兰DMN、格律克Gericke、威埃姆WAMGROUP、芬兰BMH
同得利技术 匠心质造,专 利技术,强大研发能力
品牌 常州同得利/江苏同得利/国盛商标
联系电话(陈经理) 18068546632

  进口品牌德国科贝隆Coperio**,zeppeli**泽普琳、荷兰DMN、格律克Gericke、威埃姆WAMGROUP、芬兰BMH旋转阀 。常州同得利专注研发生产高端旋转阀,拥有多年的研发生产/定制非标旋转阀卸料阀的经验,口碑好,旋转阀性能优越,让物料更流畅,使用更精久。

  国产选大品牌-国盛商标常州同得利,专 利技术,匠心质造。工匠精神是中国的瑰宝,它是我们民族文化的结晶,更是中华民族的灵魂所在。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】














  我公司是集科研、开发、设计、制造、售后服务于一体的环保型机械重 点企业。公司地处经济发达的长江金三角,坐落在全国闻名的科技示范城-龙城常州,地理位置优越,千年古运河入境而过,沿江高速、京沪高速、沪宁高速纵横交错,交通十分便利。

  公司在强化企业管理的基础上,依靠科技进步提高技术含量,先进的生产加工设备,领 先的管理理念,高素质的员工团队,有效的质量保障体系和完善的售后服务,为制造高品质的产品提供可靠的保证,极大的满足了各行业的需求,深受广大客户的信赖。

  我公司始终坚持“质量第 一、用户至 上”的宗旨,服务于社会,诚信于业界,竭诚欢迎世界各地的业界好友光临指导,洽谈合作。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】


       Domestic selection of major brands - Guosheng trademark Changzhou Tongdeli, patented technology, craftsmanship and quality. The spirit of craftsmanship is a treasure of China, a crystallization of our national culture, and the soul of the Chinese nation.

  Sliding rod rotary valve/star shaped discharge valve/shut-off fan unloader/rotary feeder Main structure: metal shell; Material contact parts: lined with ceramic, ceramic alumina, nylon, PTFE, PTFE, titanium alloy, aluminum alloy, stainless steel.

  Size: DN50~~Non standard customization.

  The cleaning sliding rod rotary valve is exquisitely made, and successfully uses the essence of German and Japanese technology. The product is flexible in disassembly and easy to clean. Mainly used for unloading materials with high hygiene standards in industries such as lithium batteries, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food, as well as working in places where materials are frequently replaced. This product is benchmarked against top global brands of rotary valves, with better performance, price, and delivery time!

  Characteristics of cleaning type rotary valve: Material bonding equipment, can be quickly cleaned and reset. Stability is superior to other detachable valves, and the rotor can be pulled out in place. Disassembly before cleaning: Release the screw handle on the movable end cover, pull out the end cover and rotor together along the column, release the screw handle on the shaft end, and remove the rotor. After cleaning, install the impeller (rotate the impeller to engage the spline teeth), push in the end cover (rotate the movable shaft handle to engage the spline teeth), and tighten the bolt handle.

  Sliding rod rotary valves are mainly used for transporting lithium battery cathode materials, lithium iron phosphate, ternary materials, chemical powders/particles, food, plastics, etc.

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