【水冷式】高温高压旋转阀>1000℃>1MPa/ 水冷式旋转阀,高温旋转阀,高温星型卸料器,高压旋转阀
产品介绍★耐高温高压旋转阀/卸料阀/星型卸料器主要用于钢厂、电厂、环保行业、航空航天、锂电、化工等。 ★适用于温度过高的物料,很好的降温。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】 ★阀体:采用整体浇铸于不锈钢全 面通水降温。 ★端盖采用全 面通水降温,避免轴承传递高温。 ★叶轮主轴采用全 面通水降温,避免高温形变,影响同心度。 ★针对有腐蚀物料、有害气体,实现零泄漏、耐腐蚀、耐磨。压力<1MPa为常规品,高压大于2MPa或20Kg/² 可定制。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】 ★温度小于1000℃为常规品,高温大于1300℃ 可定制。 ★常州同得利拥有多年的研发生产/定制卸料阀旋转阀的经验,秉承质量第 一、用户至 上的原则。我们的旋转阀能够处理锂电池、钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山、环保、塑料、化工、食品和医药等行业的各种颗粒、片状、块状物料、粉料、超微粉体等。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询高温高压旋转阀》 High temperature and high-pressure rotary valves/discharge valves/star shaped unloaders are mainly used in steel mills, power plants, environmental protection industries, aerospace, lithium batteries, chemical industries, etc. Suitable for materials with excessively high temperatures, it effectively cools down. Valve body: It is cast as a whole in stainless steel and fully cooled by water flow. The end cover adopts comprehensive water cooling to avoid bearing transmission of high temperature. The impeller spindle adopts comprehensive water cooling to avoid high-temperature deformation and affect concentricity. To achieve zero leakage, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance for corrosive materials and harmful gases. Pressure<1MPa is a standard product, while high pressure greater than 2MPa or 20Kg/² can be customized. Temperature below 1000 ℃ is a standard product, while high temperature above 1300 ℃ can be customized. Changzhou Tongdeli has many years of experience in research and development, production, and customization of discharge valve rotary valves, adhering to the principle of quality first and customer first. Our rotary valves are capable of handling various types of particles, flakes, blocks, powders, ultrafine powders, etc. in industries such as lithium batteries, steel mills, power plants, cement, mining, environmental protection, plastics, chemical, food, and pharmaceuticals.查看详情 +
【水冷型-耐高温>1300℃】高温卸料阀/ 水冷型卸料阀,高温卸料阀,水冷式旋转阀
产品介绍水冷型高温旋转阀主要用于钢厂、电厂、环保行业。适用于温度过高的物料,很好的降温。阀体:采用整体浇铸于不锈钢全 面通水降温。水冷式旋转阀端盖采用全 面通水降温,避免轴承传递高温。高温旋转阀叶轮主轴采用全 面通水降温,避免高温形变,影响同心度。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】Water cooled high-temperature rotary valves are mainly used in steel mills, power plants, and environmental protection industries.Suitable for materials with excessively high temperatures, it effectively cools down.Valve body: It is cast as a whole in stainless steel and fully cooled by water flow.The water-cooled rotary valve end cover adopts comprehensive water cooling to avoid bearing transmission of high temperature.The main shaft of the high-temperature rotary valve impeller adopts comprehensive water cooling to avoid high-temperature deformation and affect concentricity. 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品/报价》常州同得利机械厂拥有多年的研发生产/定制卸料阀旋转阀的经验,秉承质量第 一、用户至 上的原则。我们的旋转阀能够处理锂电池、钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山、环保、塑料、化工、食品和医药等行业的各种颗粒、片状、块状物料、粉料、超微粉体等。查看详情 +
耐高温旋转阀/卸料阀/ 钢厂专用旋转阀,电厂专用旋转阀,高温卸料阀,高温卸料阀
产品介绍★耐高温旋转阀主要用于钢厂、电厂、环保行业。 ★适用于温度过高的物料,很好的降温。 ★阀体:采用整体浇铸于不锈钢全 面通水降温。 ★叶轮主轴采用全 面通水降温,避免高温形变,影响同心度。 ★常州同得利拥有多年的研发生产/定制卸料阀旋转阀的经验,秉承质量第 一、用户至 上的原则。我们的旋转阀能够处理锂电池、钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山、环保、塑料、化工、食品和医药等行业的各种颗粒、片状、块状物料、粉料、超微粉体等。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】 ★ High temperature resistant rotary valves are mainly used in steel mills, power plants, and environmental protection industries. ★ Suitable for materials with excessively high temperatures, it provides excellent cooling. ★ Valve body: Adopting integral casting in stainless steel for comprehensive water cooling. ★The main shaft of the impeller adopts comprehensive water cooling to avoid high-temperature deformation and affect concentricity. ★Changzhou Tongdeli has years of experience in research and development, production, and customization of discharge valve rotary valves, adhering to the principle of quality first and customer first. Our rotary valve can handle various types of particles, flakes, blocks, powders, and ultrafine powders in industries such as lithium batteries, steel mills, power plants, cement, mines, environmental protection, plastics, chemicals, food, and pharmaceuticals. 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品/报价》查看详情 +
耐高温旋转阀<1000℃/ 耐高温旋转阀,高温卸料阀
产品介绍ZGS耐高温系列旋转阀卸料阀,主要用于锅炉、火力发电等行业,本产品精选耐高温轴承,箱体叶轮轴承座采用循环水冷却,能承受小于1000度高温。 本系列产品也可根据用户特殊要求定制技术参数。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】 我公司专 业生产(B)GFY、YJD系列关风机(关风器)、星型卸料器、DS系列电动锁气器、DN型旋转阀,快开阀、清洁阀、风送式旋转阀等产品。广泛应用于粮食、饲料、石油化工、制药、淀粉、油脂、化工干燥、除尘、冶金、环保、电子、煤炭、建筑、电力机械等行业设备上。用于固体粒料、粉料、超微粉体在气力输送及官网正负压状态下的卸料。 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品/报价》 The ZGS high-temperature resistant series rotary valve discharge valve is mainly used in industries such as boilers and thermal power generation. This product selects high-temperature resistant bearings, and the impeller bearing seat of the casing is cooled by circulating water, which can withstand temperatures below 1000 degrees Celsius. This series of products can also customize technical parameters according to special user requirements. Our company specializes in the production of (B) GFY, YJD series shut-off fans (shut-off fans), star shaped unloaders, DS series electric air locks, DN type rotary valves, quick opening valves, cleaning valves, pneumatic rotary valves, and other products. Widely used in industries such as grain, feed, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, fats, chemical drying, dust removal, metallurgy, environmental protection, electronics, coal, construction, and power machinery. Used for unloading solid particles, powders, and ultrafine powders under pneumatic conveying and positive and negative pressure on the official website.查看详情 +
水冷式卸料阀【≥1000℃】定制高温卸料阀/ 水冷式旋转阀,高温卸料阀,高温旋转阀,水冷式卸料阀
产品介绍此产品是由本公司自主研制,材质选用310S,配合水冷,起到耐高温作用。本产品优点是壳体、叶轮轴、端盖单独增加水冷系统,使高温对阀造成的危害降低,使用寿命大大增加,倍受电厂钢厂锅炉等单位的青睐,避免了频繁更换卸料阀带来的不便,也大大减少了使用成本。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品/报价》查看详情 +
【刚性旋转阀】耐高温-钢厂/电厂/矿山/ 高温旋转阀,刚性旋转阀,钢厂旋转阀,电厂旋转阀,矿山旋转阀
产品介绍刚性旋转阀主要用于钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山等行业。适用于坚硬物料、块状物料、高温物料。刚性旋转阀叶轮稳定性好、圆滑过度、无夹角、扭矩更大。阀体设置清理口,便于清理物料。刚性旋转阀具有非常好的承重性。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】Rigid rotary valves are mainly used in industries such as steel mills, power plants, cement, and mining.Suitable for hard materials, block materials, and high-temperature materials.The rigid rotary valve impeller has good stability, smooth transition, no angle, and greater torque.The valve body is equipped with a cleaning port for easy cleaning of materials.Rigid rotary valves have excellent load-bearing capacity.我们购买旋转卸料阀输送物料时,如何才能选择合适的厂家?选择实力强的厂家,一般来说旋转卸料阀厂家可以见证产品的质量,实力强的厂家可为客户提供更好的产品质量和服务。 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品/报价》我公司专 业生产(B)GFY、YJD系列关风机(关风器)、星型卸料器、DS系列电动锁气器、DN型旋转阀,快开阀、清洁阀、风送式旋转阀等产品。广泛应用于锂电池、粮食、饲料、石油化工、制药、淀粉、油脂、化工干燥、塑料、除尘、冶金、环保、电子、煤炭、建筑、电力机械等行业设备上。用于固体粒料、粉料、超微粉体在气力输送及管网正负压状态下的卸料。查看详情 +
【锂电专用卸料阀】改性尼龙更耐高温耐磨/ 尼龙旋转阀,尼龙卸料阀,锂电专用卸料阀,尼龙星型卸料器
产品介绍尼龙卸料阀主要结构:壳体、叶轮、端盖,采用改性尼龙。主要用于输送锂电池正极材料、磷酸铁锂、三元材料等。特点:改性尼龙比普通尼龙更耐磨、耐高温。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】全尼龙卸料阀技术研发于2016年,批量生产于2018年,2020年更新第4代尼龙星型旋转阀,目前有尼龙星型旋转阀专 利。一款全尼龙星型卸料阀/尼龙旋转阀,相比于传统的304内衬工艺,喷涂碳化钨四氟和陶瓷粉等工艺,全尼龙卸料阀更为优越,它不仅能保证阀的强度和耐磨性,还具备锁风密闭的功能,让物料更流畅,使用更精久。这款全尼龙卸料器采用了独特的V型结构叶轮片,通过盛料后叶轮以低速旋转的方式,让物料根据自身重力进行卸料,在卸料过程中,物料可以密封,壳体与旋转叶轮之间的间隙,实现了锁气功能,避免了气体泄露的问题,全尼龙卸料阀的两端采用了气密装置,确保了阀的密封性,它的优越性能使得它在相关行业得到了广泛的应用。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品》The main structure of the nylon discharge valve is the shell, impeller, and end cover, which are made of modified nylon.Mainly used for transporting lithium battery cathode materials, lithium iron phosphate, ternary materials, etc.Characteristics: Modified nylon is more wear-resistant and heat-resistant than ordinary nylon.The all nylon discharge valve technology was developed in 2016 and mass-produced in 2018. The fourth generation nylon star shaped rotary valve was updated in 2020. and there is currently a patent for nylon star shaped rotary valve.A fully nylon star shaped discharge valve/nylon rotary valve, compared to the traditional 304 lining process, spraying tungsten carbide PTFE and ceramic powder processes, the fully nylon discharge valve is superior. It not only ensures the strength and wear resistance of the valve, but also has the function of air locking and sealing, making the material smoother and more durable.This all nylon unloader adopts a unique V-shaped structure impeller blade, which rotates at low speed after feeding, allowing the material to be unloaded according to its own gravity. During the unloading process, the material can be sealed, and the gap between the shell and the rotating impeller realizes the locking function, avoiding the problem of gas leakage. The two ends of the all nylon unloading valve are equipped with airtight devices to ensure the sealing of the valve. Its superior performance has made it widely used in related industries.查看详情 +
【钛合金旋转阀】耐高温-耐腐蚀-耐磨/ 钛合金卸料阀,钛合金旋转阀,高温旋转阀
产品介绍钛合金旋转阀/钛合金星型卸料阀主要结构:箱体、端盖,钛合金铸造。钛合金旋转阀主要用于输送锂电池正极材料、磷酸铁锂、三元材料、化工原料等。钛合金旋转阀特点:耐高温、耐磨、耐腐蚀、使用寿命长。钛合金旋转阀技术:由原来的焊接改为铸造工艺。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】常州同得利机械厂拥有多年的研发生产/定制卸料阀旋转阀的经验,秉承质量第 一、用户至 上的原则。我们的旋转阀能够处理锂电池、钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山、环保、塑料、化工、食品和医药等行业的各种颗粒、片状、块状物料、粉料、超微粉体等。 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品/报价》The main structure of titanium alloy rotary valve/titanium alloy star discharge valve is: box body, end cover, titanium alloy casting.Titanium alloy rotary valves are mainly used for transporting lithium battery cathode materials, lithium iron phosphate, ternary materials, chemical raw materials, etc.Characteristics of titanium alloy rotary valve: high temperature resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, long service life.Titanium alloy rotary valve technology: changed from welding to casting process.查看详情 +
耐高温|耐腐蚀-陶瓷旋转阀<600℃/ 高温卸料器,陶瓷旋转阀,高温旋转阀,陶瓷卸料阀
产品介绍高温型:陶瓷旋转阀/星型卸料阀主要结构:外壳金属;物料接触部分:内衬陶瓷(也可尼龙、四氟、特氟龙等)。陶瓷卸料器主要用于输送锂电池正极材料、磷酸铁锂、三元材料等。特点:耐高温、耐腐蚀、耐磨、使用寿命长。陶瓷旋转阀技术研发于2015年,批量生产于2017年,2020年更新第3代陶瓷星型旋转阀,目前有陶瓷星型旋转阀专 利。陶瓷旋转阀耐高温:适应锂电/化工等行业生产过程中的高温环境,不易变形或损坏旋转阀。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】陶瓷卸料阀耐腐蚀:能够抵御化工/锂电材料中的腐蚀性介质。耐磨:硬度较高,能够承受物料的磨损。 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品/报价》High temperature type: ceramic rotary valve/star shaped discharge valve Main structure: metal shell; Material contact part: lined with ceramic (also nylon, PTFE, PTFE, etc.).Ceramic unloaders are mainly used to transport lithium battery cathode materials, lithium iron phosphate, ternary materials, etc.Features: High temperature resistance, wear resistance, long service life.The ceramic rotary valve technology was developed in 2015 and mass-produced in 2017. The third generation ceramic star rotary valve was updated in 2020. and there is currently a patent for ceramic star rotary valve.Ceramic rotary valve is resistant to high temperatures: it is suitable for the high temperature environment in the production process of industries such as lithium batteries/chemicals, and is not easily deformed or damaged.Ceramic discharge valve is corrosion-resistant: it can resist corrosive media in chemical/lithium battery materials. Wear resistance: With high hardness, it can withstand the wear of materials.查看详情 +
【锂电旋转阀】耐高温-四氟旋转阀防粘附/ 锂电卸料阀,高温卸料阀,四氟卸料阀,四氟旋转阀
产品介绍旋转阀/卸料阀的工作原理主要涉及电动机驱动减速机,通过联轴器或链轮使旋转阀的转子旋转。在旋转过程中,材料位于旋转叶片的空间内,叶片的旋转将材料带到排出口,材料的自重使其流入输送系统或储藏室。这种工作方式使得卸料阀能够均匀、连续地向输料管供料,保证气力输出管内的气体和固体物质保持稳定,从而确保气力输送系统的正常工作。同时,卸料阀还具有锁气作用,能够隔断卸料阀上下部的气压。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】内衬四氟旋转阀基本介绍:四氟是一种化学性稳定、具有优异的耐高温、耐低温和不粘附性的高分子材料,可以在极端的化学环境下使用。四氟内衬是在金属、陶瓷等材料表面制成的一种覆盖层,主要用于防腐、防粘附和减少摩擦。内衬四氟旋转阀作用:耐高温性:四氟旋转阀卸料阀具有出色的耐高温性能,能够在高温环境下保持稳定的工作状态。它适用于化工反应过程中产生的高温介质的控制和调节,确保旋转阀的密封性和流体的稳定输送。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】防粘附作用:四氟旋转阀表面具有良好的不粘附性,能够防止设备表面附着物的黏附,避免管道物料:粉体/颗粒料在长期运行过程中出现结垢、石灰积垢等现象,从而提高了设备的效率。 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品》The working principle of a rotary valve/discharge valve mainly involves an electric motor driving a reducer, which rotates the rotor of the rotary valve through a coupling or sprocket. During the rotation process, the material is located in the space of the rotating blades, and the rotation of the blades brings the material to the discharge outlet. The self weight of the material causes it to flow into the conveying system or storage room. This working method enables the discharge valve to uniformly and continuously feed the conveying pipe, ensuring that the gas and solid substances in the pneumatic output pipe remain stable, thereby ensuring the normal operation of the pneumatic conveying system. At the same time, the discharge valve also has a locking effect, which can block the air pressure at the upper and lower parts of the discharge valve. Introduction to PTFE lined rotary valve:Tetrafluoroethylene is a chemically stable polymer material with excellent resistance to high and low temperatures and non adhesiveness, which can be used in extreme chemical environments. PTFE lining is a covering layer made on the surface of metal, ceramic and other materials, mainly used for corrosion prevention, anti adhesion and reducing friction.Function of PTFE lined rotary valve:High temperature resistance: The PTFE rotary valve discharge valve has excellent high temperature resistance and can maintain a stable working state in high temperature environments. It is suitable for controlling and regulating high-temperature media generated in chemical reaction processes, ensuring the sealing of rotary valves and stable fluid transport.Anti adhesion effect: The surface of the PTFE rotary valve has good non adhesion, which can prevent the adhesion of surface attachments and avoid scaling and lime accumulation of pipeline materials such as powder/particle materials during long-term operation, thereby improving the efficiency of the equipment.查看详情 +
耐高温|内衬四氟-普通尼龙叶轮-锂电旋转阀/ 尼龙旋转阀,高温旋转阀,锂电旋转阀
产品介绍旋转阀(俗称旋转给料器或星型卸料器、星型卸料阀、卸灰阀、星型卸灰阀、锁气阀、关风机、关风机卸料器、关风器、电动锁气器)是应用于粉体(粉沫、颗粒物料、粉粒混合物)输送系统中用来卸料、计量、除尘、定量输送、混合、包装的专用设备。旋转阀广泛用于锂电,化工,环保,石油,冶金,矿山,耐火材料,电力,钢厂,水泥,塑料,粮食医药等行业。四氟是一种化学性稳定、具有优异的耐高温、耐低温和不粘附性的高分子材料,可以在极端的化学环境下使用。内衬四氟是在金属、陶瓷等材料表面制成的一种覆盖层,主要用于防腐、防粘附和减少摩擦。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】内衬四氟旋转阀卸料阀是一种特殊设计的阀门,采用四氟材料制造,具有优异的耐腐蚀性和耐高温性能。叶轮尼龙旋转阀适用于不可接触金属物料的卸料。采用整块尼龙铣削加工,结构牢靠,运行无噪音,相较于陶瓷阀,可以节省成本,是锂电行业新宠。尼龙叶轮与壳体配合间隙小,结构精密,使用过程中不易漏风不易漏料(密封锁气),防堵耐用。密封优越,用感无忧:结构稳定,密封性能良好。可用于粉料、小颗粒物料,在正负极压差吸送过程中将物料分离排出。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】适用于锂电正极材料输送,高镍三元材料,磷酸铁锂。阀体、端盖外表面采用不锈钢304.物料接触8-10mm尼龙工艺等。都可以满足工况耐磨,耐温尤为突出。 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品》Rotary valve (commonly known as rotary feeder or star unloader, star discharge valve, ash discharge valve, star discharge valve, air lock valve, air shut-off fan, air shut-off fan unloader, air shut-off device, electric air lock device) is a specialized equipment used in powder (foam, granular material, powder particle mixture) conveying systems for unloading, metering, dust removal, quantitative conveying, mixing, and packaging. Rotary valves are widely used in industries such as lithium batteries, chemicals, environmental protection, petroleum, metallurgy, mining, refractory materials, electricity, steel mills, cement, plastics, grain and medicine.Tetrafluoroethylene is a chemically stable polymer material with excellent resistance to high and low temperatures and non adhesiveness, which can be used in extreme chemical environments. PTFE lining is a covering layer made on the surface of metals, ceramics, and other materials, mainly used for corrosion prevention, anti adhesion, and reducing friction.The PTFE lined rotary valve discharge valve is a specially designed valve made of PTFE material, which has excellent corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance.The impeller nylon rotary valve is suitable for unloading non touchable metal materials. Using whole piece nylon milling processing, the structure is reliable and operates without noise. Compared with ceramic valves, it can save costs and is the new favorite of the lithium battery industry.The nylon impeller has a small clearance with the shell, a precise structure, and is not prone to air or material leakage during use (sealed and locked), making it durable and anti blocking.查看详情 +
水冷旋转阀-耐高温≤1000℃-防卡型滑杆式旋转阀/ 粉体旋转阀,水冷旋转阀,耐高温旋转阀,滑杆式旋转阀,清洗型旋转阀,防卡旋转阀
产品介绍这款旋转阀集各种特性与一身,适用于输送粉体,颗粒物料,主要用于食品,药材,化工,锂电等行业原料输送。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】滑杆式旋转阀:清洗前的拆卸。松开旋转阀螺栓手柄,沿导柱将端盖轻轻拉至极限,抽出叶轮,双手握住叶轮两端抽颈取出。清洗后,装入旋转阀叶轮(转动叶轮使花键齿合),推入端盖(转动活动轴柄使花键齿合),拧紧螺栓手柄。水冷型旋转阀:适用于温度过高的物料,很好的降温。旋转阀阀体:采用整体浇铸于不锈钢全 面通水降温。旋转阀端盖采用全 面通水降温,避免轴承传递高温。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】防卡式旋转阀:主要用于塑料原料输送。针对颗粒、片状、块状物料,实现不卡料、不堵料。主要材质:不锈钢304-310. 《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询产品》This rotary valve combines various features and is suitable for conveying powder and granular materials. It is mainly used for conveying raw materials in industries such as food, medicinal materials, chemicals, and lithium batteries.Sliding rod rotary valve: disassembly before cleaning. Release the handle of the rotary valve bolt, gently pull the end cover along the guide column to the limit, extract the impeller, and hold both ends of the impeller with both hands to remove the neck. After cleaning, install the rotary valve impeller (rotate the impeller to engage the spline teeth), push in the end cover (rotate the movable shaft handle to engage the spline teeth), and tighten the bolt handle.Water cooled rotary valve: suitable for materials with excessively high temperatures, providing excellent cooling. Rotary valve body: It is cast as a whole in stainless steel and fully ventilated for cooling. The rotary valve end cover adopts comprehensive water cooling to avoid bearing transmission of high temperature.Anti card rotary valve: mainly used for conveying plastic raw materials. For granular, flake, and block materials, achieve no material jamming or blockage. Main material: stainless steel 304-310.查看详情 +