

  刚性旋转阀/卸料阀/旋转卸料器/旋转供料器常用于难处理的物料, 适用于粉料、颗粒和磨料(坚硬物料、块状物料、高温物料)的旋转卸料阀。大型号旋转阀,为高流量设计,适用于重负荷和严苛的应用环境,压力可达2 bar(g) [20 psi(g)]可抵抗严苛的冲击力,承受高温达300℃,压力范围:1.4 巴(g) [20 psi(g)]轴封:聚四氟乙烯复合密封,空气吹扫。外侧轴承:通过密封和物料掉落口将物料和轴承隔开。  刚性旋转阀主要用于钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山等行业。叶轮稳定性好、圆滑过度、无夹角、扭矩更大。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】  1、结构紧凑:采用行星转动原理、纯铜电机,输入输出在同一轴线上,而且有与电机直联一体的独特性,体积小,重量轻,因而结构紧凑造型美观新样。  2、耐磨性高:运行可靠平稳,噪音低,故障少,寿命长,耐磨性高。  3、过载能力强:卸料器具有过载能力强,耐冲击惯性力矩小,适用于启动频繁和正反转。  4、使用寿命长:轴承、齿箱、远离阀体避免高温灰尘的影响,前后密封性能好,防止灰尘外泄,延长机动件,润滑系统的使用寿命。  5、支持定制/替代进口品牌:用户如有特殊规格要求,可以按照客户要求定做。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】  常州同得利机械厂拥有多年的研发生产/定制卸料阀旋转阀的经验,秉承质量第 一、用户至 上的原则。我们的旋转阀能够处理锂电池、钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山、环保、塑料、化工、食品和医药等行业的各种颗粒、片状、块状物料、粘料、粉料、超微粉体等。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】            《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询刚性旋转阀》  Rigid rotary valves/discharge valves/rotary unloaders/rotary feeders are commonly used for difficult to handle materials, suitable for rotary discharge valves of powders, particles, and abrasives (hard materials, block materials, high-temperature materials). Large rotary valve, designed for high flow, suitable for heavy loads and harsh application environments, with a pressure of up to 2 bar (g) [20 psi (g)], can resist harsh impact forces, withstand high temperatures up to 300 ℃, pressure range: 1.4 bar (g) [20 psi (g)], shaft seal: PTFE composite seal, air blowing. Outer bearings: Separate materials and bearings through seals and material drop ports.  Rigid rotary valves are mainly used in industries such as steel mills, power plants, cement, and mining. The impeller has good stability, smooth transition, no angle, and greater torque.  1. Compact structure: Adopting the principle of planetary rotation and a pure copper motor, the input and output are on the same axis, and it has the unique feature of being directly connected to the motor. It is small in size and light in weight, resulting in a compact structure and beautiful appearance.  2. High wear resistance: reliable and stable operation, low noise, few faults, long service life, high wear resistance.  3. Strong overload capacity: The unloader has strong overload capacity, low impact resistance inertia moment, and is suitable for frequent starting and forward and reverse rotation.  4. Long service life: bearings, gearboxes, and valves are kept away from the valve body to avoid the influence of high temperature dust. The front and rear sealing performance is good, preventing dust leakage and extending the service life of motor components and lubrication systems.  5. Support customization/substitution of imported brands: If users have special specifications requirements, they can customize according to their needs.
  • 【粘性物料】刮板式旋转阀-高端品牌

  • 【链驱动】正压输送旋转阀-粉体

  • 【链驱动】刚性旋转阀-钢厂/电厂/矿山/水泥

参数名称 参数值
品名 钢厂旋转阀,电厂旋转阀,矿山旋转阀,刚性旋转阀,刚性卸料阀,块料旋转阀,高温旋转阀
输送物料 坚硬物料、块状物料、高温物料
应用行业 钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山、环保、锅炉
常规型号 DN150,DN200,DN250,DN300,DN350,DN400,DN450,DN500,400*400,500*500,600*600
刚性旋转阀特点 耐磨,耐高温,非常好的承重性
品牌 常州同得利,江苏同得利,国盛商标
联系电话(陈经理) 18068546632

  刚性旋转阀/卸料阀/旋转卸料器/旋转供料器常用于难处理的物料, 适用于粉料、颗粒和磨料(坚硬物料、块状物料、高温物料)的旋转卸料阀。大型号旋转阀,为高流量设计,适用于重负荷和严苛的应用环境,压力可达2 bar(g) [20 psi(g)]可抵抗严苛的冲击力,承受高温达300℃,压力范围:1.4 巴(g) [20 psi(g)]轴封:聚四氟乙烯复合密封,空气吹扫。外侧轴承:通过密封和物料掉落口将物料和轴承隔开。








  常州同得利机械厂拥有多年的研发生产/定制卸料阀旋转阀的经验,秉承质量第 一、用户至 上的原则。我们的旋转阀能够处理锂电池、钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山、环保、塑料、化工、食品和医药等行业的各种颗粒、片状、块状物料、粘料、粉料、超微粉体等。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】

            《扫二维码-添加 陈经理 微信-咨询刚性旋转阀》


  Rigid rotary valves/discharge valves/rotary unloaders/rotary feeders are commonly used for difficult to handle materials, suitable for rotary discharge valves of powders, particles, and abrasives (hard materials, block materials, high-temperature materials). Large rotary valve, designed for high flow, suitable for heavy loads and harsh application environments, with a pressure of up to 2 bar (g) [20 psi (g)], can resist harsh impact forces, withstand high temperatures up to 300 ℃, pressure range: 1.4 bar (g) [20 psi (g)], shaft seal: PTFE composite seal, air blowing. Outer bearings: Separate materials and bearings through seals and material drop ports.

  Rigid rotary valves are mainly used in industries such as steel mills, power plants, cement, and mining. The impeller has good stability, smooth transition, no angle, and greater torque.

  1. Compact structure: Adopting the principle of planetary rotation and a pure copper motor, the input and output are on the same axis, and it has the unique feature of being directly connected to the motor. It is small in size and light in weight, resulting in a compact structure and beautiful appearance.

  2. High wear resistance: reliable and stable operation, low noise, few faults, long service life, high wear resistance.

  3. Strong overload capacity: The unloader has strong overload capacity, low impact resistance inertia moment, and is suitable for frequent starting and forward and reverse rotation.

  4. Long service life: bearings, gearboxes, and valves are kept away from the valve body to avoid the influence of high temperature dust. The front and rear sealing performance is good, preventing dust leakage and extending the service life of motor components and lubrication systems.

  5. Support customization/substitution of imported brands: If users have special specifications requirements, they can customize according to their needs.

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