参数名称 | 参数值 |
品名 | 刮板旋转阀,刮板卸料阀,刮板卸料器,粘性物料卸料阀,钢厂卸料阀,电厂卸料阀,水泥卸料阀,矿山卸料阀 |
输送物料 | 具有吸湿性和物料架桥结块,带有静电吸附性的粉粒物料 |
应用行业 | 钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山、锂电 |
尺寸 | 150*150,方口 |
特点 | 旋转刮板自动将附在转子料斗内的物料刮除 |
品牌 | 常州同得利,国盛商标 |
驱动方式 | 链驱动、马达直连驱动 |
联系电话(陈经理) | 18068546632 |
常州同得利机械厂拥有多年的研发生产/定制卸料阀旋转阀的经验,秉承质量第 一、用户至 上的原则。我们的旋转阀能够处理锂电池、钢厂、电厂、水泥、矿山、环保、塑料、化工、食品和医药等行业的各种颗粒、片状、块状物料、粘料、粉料、超微粉体等。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】
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The (BGB) scraper type discharge valve/rotary valve/star shaped unloader series is suitable for powder materials with hygroscopic viscosity and electrostatic adsorption.
The rotating scraper at the lower part of the valve body of the scraper discharge valve automatically hangs the material attached to the rotor hopper.
There is a cleaning port on the valve body for regular removal of materials inside the rotary valve.
Provide chain drive and motor direct drive.
Material of scraper discharge valve: carbon steel, stainless steel series, etc.
Construction case
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