参数名称 | 参数值 |
内衬材质 | 特氟龙 |
壳体 | 不锈钢 |
型号 | DN150,DN200,DN250,DN300,DN350,DN400,DN500~DN1500 |
特点 | 防粘连,防腐蚀,耐磨 |
品牌 | 常州同得利,国盛商标 |
2. 耐高温性好:特氟龙材料能承受高达+260℃的高温工况。
3. 防粘附性能好:特氟龙对粘附物质具有特殊的抗粘性能,可以避免流体因黏附而产生的结垢和堆积。【电话/微信咨询:陈经理18068546632】
4. 耐磨损性能好:特氟龙表面硬度高、耐磨损,能够有效地抵御设备内部因物料磨损而导致的损坏。
5. 应用范围广:内衬特氟龙广泛应用于化工、医药、食品等粉料/颗粒料/粉体物料,特别适用于在强酸、强碱、高温、高压和高粘度等特殊工艺条件下的设备内衬。
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The lined PTFE star shaped discharge valve is a technology that coats special materials such as PTFE or polytetrafluoroethylene (F4) inside the equipment. This technology can coat the internal surface of the equipment with a layer of special material, thereby improving the performance of the equipment in terms of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, anti adhesion, wear resistance, and chemical resistance. The characteristics of PTFE lining include:
1. Good corrosion resistance: Teflon material is chemically inert and can have high chemical stability in high concentrations of acids, bases, and other organic compounds.
2. Good high temperature resistance: Teflon material can withstand high temperature conditions up to+260 ℃.
3. Good anti adhesion performance: Teflon has special anti adhesion properties for adhesive substances, which can avoid scaling and accumulation of fluids due to adhesion.
4. Good wear resistance: Teflon has high surface hardness and wear resistance, which can effectively resist damage caused by material wear inside the equipment.
5. Wide application range: PTFE lining is widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other powder/particle/powder materials, especially suitable for equipment lining under special process conditions such as strong acid, strong alkali, high temperature, high pressure and high viscosity.
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